Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rousted by the Rangers

Well, I have nothing much to do but post to this blog as I haven't obtained a job yet! Boo Hoo! Well, I can't expect miracles I suppose, although it would be great to have one occur right about...NOW!...Nope nothing! I'll keep you posted on the miracle watch.

But I did have an interesting night! Indeed! The men in uniform, park rangers, knocked on the RV door at 10:30 p.m. - in the dead of the night. Scared the begeezus out of me. I asked who it was and on the third request they finally identified themselves. They didn't have a record of anyone camping in that space. My tag on the window wasn't enough, so I produced a receipt and they apologized and went on their merry way. One guy, the big one, was very much a young Boss Hog, with a wad of tobaccy in his lower lip, and the smaller one was the embarrassed sidekick.

I had been reading, so it wasn't so awful.

Send good thoughts my way.

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