Monday, April 7, 2008

The Universe has a sense of humor

So, the first job that becomes available to me is a temp job - lasting three or four months - covering a pregnancy leave for a lawyer's office. I got exciting thinking "Finally" and as the woman is telling me the contact information I can't believe what I'm hearing.

The gentleman's name rings a bell and I suddenly realize that it is a guy I worked for back in 1981 for about six weeks, until I quit because he was such a jerk. That job led me to try my hand at driving a cab. Of course, I told the gal "I don't want to work for him again" and she was very nice about it.

But can you believe that the first and only job so far to come my way is working for someone I worked unhappily for more than 25 years ago? I'm telling you - the Universe is run by one funny guy (or gal, as the case may be.) It took me about a half hour to recover from the shock of that one.

Had a financial windfall today! Yippee! So, it all evens out in the end.

Be good you citizens and beware of a prankster running loose in the corporate offices of the Universe!

1 comment: said...

Isn't it funny how things go full circle?