Sunday, April 6, 2008

Goodbye to Henrietta

Well, I've left the Folsom Lake Recreation Area for a slab next to a home. I've given up the outdoors life for the comforts of electricity and running water. Actually, I'm right in the heart of suburbia now, with Starbucks around the corner and all the megastores about 10 blocks away. Not a permanent solution for me, but a cheap, temporary one. In each place I stay, my goal is to appreciate what it has to offer. And this one is safe, "electrified" and near everything I could need.

However, I had to say goodbye to my almost daily visitor, Henrietta. Here she is forging for morsels. I saw her through the trees with a female friend the first day, and then all but one day afterwards by herself. I actually thought she was a Hank, until I looked her up on the internet and found that she didn't have the requisite plummage to be a male, or a certain style of strutting.

So, fair turkey damsel - farewell. Gobble, gobble, to you, too.

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