Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cushy, positive and fun - Can this really be a job?

Alright, so I started work yesterday. Didn't quite know what to expect. I arrived at 8:30 a.m. to this bouquet on my desk, a plant from the branch manager and two very nice ladies standing there with big smiles to welcome me!

What a great way to start, right? Well, it got better.

First of all, the branch is located in a business center that has the following in its facilities: a relaxation room with a massage chair and a couch for INDIVIDUAL use (you just slide an IN USE sign across the door), two breakrooms(both equipped with flatscreen TVs that run all day and you are welcome to change the channel), free coffee or tea all day long (with three flavors of coffee, including creme brulee - my favorite)and continental breakfast every Friday until 10:30 a.m.

My supervisor, a very nice woman, took me out to Mimi's for lunch today, along with the gal who is training me. Left at 11:30, got back at 1:30 p.m. - no rush. The big boss is an incredibly nice and gentle man, who believes in empowering his people, and every thing in the office is done on a positive note. There are brief daily meetings during which people express themselves freely - not rudely - but honestly.

I cannot believe my luck! I woke up full of gratitude today.

I had been collecting signatures on petitions for the past couple of weeks to survive, so if you don't think I appreciate this gift from the Universe - well, let's just say you've never collected signatures for a living.

Best to all of you -

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Folsom eatery delights

Folsomites don't have to go far for a culinary adventure. Folsom Bistro, which has recently relocated, offers imaginative cuisine, as well as friendly and attentive service.

Chef Matthew Newton, pictured here in the bar area, prepared a perfectly cooked Duroc Pork Loin, thick and tender, for me last Thursday night, while my sister was treated to his Chicken Crepes in an incredible pesto cream sauce. Yes, we shared a bite of our dishes with each other.

The special appetizer of the evening was grilled artichokes served with a dipping sauce that also delighted the palette.

With dinner entrees ranging from $16 to $25 dollars and lunch sandwiches from $6 to $12 (for the Kobe Burger), the dining is not overly expensive.

Perhaps, the most delightful part of the experience was the pleasant interaction with our server Simone McKinley (also pictured) who smiled frequently and made sure we were well taken care of. Chef Newton made an appearance in the dining room to visit with guests and inquire after their meals.

So, try their latest creations at 6608 Folsom Auburn Road, Suite 1, Folsom, or call for more information at 916-990-0630.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

After three full weeks of job hunting...

I have a new job! I'm quite excited. Wednesday's the big day at 8:30 a.m. sharp! I actually can't wait.

The title is Office Administrator and the hours are 8 to 5 - Yay! Happily, the people seem absolutely wonderful. This job will give me the time to get my website up and running. I'm also back hard at work on a novel I've been ignoring since I took up editing the Maricopa Monitor.

I actually have another interview for a newspaper (my second newspaper interview) set for Tuesday, but I think I'll probably skip it. I really don't want to stay in the business. Need my writing brain cells for my own projects.

So, that's it! I'm an employed woman again. A job isn't such a bad thing.

PS - I've lost weight, too. Which is why you have a new picture of me to gaze at! What? You weren't gazing. Well, get busy on that!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Volcano offers visitors a variety of sights

I personally love history, so every historical site can keep me spellbound for an inordinate period of time. The tiny former gold-mining town of Volcano is a treasure trove for history nuts, but there's some "modern day" fun to be had too.

It was the Mi-Wok Indians that first inhabited the Volcano valley, and not until 1848 did white men settle into the forested Mother Lode area and begin mining for gold.

If you come in from Hwy 88, the first building you see is the St. George Hotel & Bar (see the picture of the front porch and watch for a coming story on it), followed by a general store and gift shops. Across the street is an open-air amphitheater (where they still stage productions)and dilapidated buildings that interest and inspire, along with a gallery or two. Round the corner at the end of the street and you'll find the Union Inn, where I picked up a walking tour map. The slogan for Volcano is "The Gem of the Mother Lode" and the offerings include things like the "Old Abe Cannon" and a schoolhouse dating from 1855.

Step into the shops of Nancy's Handcrafted Gifts, the little octagon shop pictured here and the one beside it, and you're likely to find something you just have to have. She carries her own handmade items and some wonderful handcrafted glass beads made by Vickie Lee. She's open from Friday through Sunday year round, but if you need more information call her at (209)296-4141.

At the Union Inn bar you'll find two spunky ladies, Proprietress Laurie Lockhart (at right in the picture) and Kimberely Milo, her assistant manager (the blonde). Sidle up to the bar for a cocktail or a soda, and they'll welcome you with big smiles. For more information on the hotel, give them a call at (209)296-7711 or visit their website at this link Volcano Union Inn.

These are just a few of the things that you can experience in Volcano, population 102 plus or minus!

Keep watching this site for more blurbs, articles and musings on the Gold Country and more.

B's Balderdash Antiques - The hosts for the weekend

Well, if you didn't already know, my parents, Nancy and Tully Bryant, are antique dealers and gurus. They've been in business 22 years, following in the footsteps of my grandparents, Mette and W.D. Bee, who were in the business for 20 years.

My mother loves the primitive stuff, while Dad's more into the fancies. Mom collects pewter. Dad's a silver hound. Together they have a wealth of knowledge and regulars who sell their estate items to them because they can be trusted to give a fair price.

They used to have a shop of their own, but now B's Balderdash operates with seven booths in an antique mall in Pine Grove, Frontier Antiques. The mall is located at 20200 Hwy 88, in Pine Grove, on the way to Lake Tahoe. If you'd like to stop by and check them out, call the mall at(209)296-3311 for directions. If you're looking for a particular piece, my folks probably have it or know where to look for it, so email them at

PICTURED HERE ARE: The Frontier sign so you know what to look for. Nancy and Tully in one of their booths. My baby picture (I was too cute for words.) A jewelry case in one of their booths, followed by another booth shot.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Weekend in "God's Country"

When I was a girl, my parents bought 40 acres on the top of hill outside Sutter Creek, California. We would camp out there in a 13 ft. trailer with a covered deck my father added on in front. With two adults and us four girls, sleeping space included the bed of the Chevy pickup we rode up in.

We went nearly every weekend for years. There are many great stories associated with "the property" as we called it, which hopefully I'll eventually get around to writing about either here or in a book.

For years, whenever my folks told people we were going to the property, they would say, "We're going to God's country." Well, as a kid that doesn't mean a thing. But going back to visit the area 40 plus years later, it the vision is clear. My folks have since built a house on the property, sold it, and moved several times. But they still live in the general area and they were kind enough to give me a ride through the countryside on Saturday.

I found myself oohing and ahhing throughout the drive and made my Dad stop the car over and over for me to take pictures - 70 in all. So I'm going to post a new chapter of that tour everyday with just a few of the pictures.

There's a lot going on in the Gold Country (that's the official name for the area) and I'll try to start putting up little blurbs about events, etc. I'm starting to get local visitors to the blog - Yay. As many of you know, I plan to ultimately start a website for just that purpose - telling people what treasures there are to find in the areas BEYOND Sacramento. Get it?

The first photo is of the grounds of a winery we visited - Villa Toscano. Shot number two is of a creek that I took as we drove through it. Image number three is one side of Main Street, Volcano, California and last, but it is my favorite, a wonderful country barn between Volcano and Fiddletown.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More pictures from the Galleria de Laura

While alone in my sister's house yesterday, I skulked (yes, that is a real word) about and took a few more pictures of her artwork. I passed on the praise for the others and thought you all might like to see more.

Oh, by the way, I had the sunflowers going the wrong way - so you might want to go back and view that one again!

More later the afternoon!

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Universe has a sense of humor

So, the first job that becomes available to me is a temp job - lasting three or four months - covering a pregnancy leave for a lawyer's office. I got exciting thinking "Finally" and as the woman is telling me the contact information I can't believe what I'm hearing.

The gentleman's name rings a bell and I suddenly realize that it is a guy I worked for back in 1981 for about six weeks, until I quit because he was such a jerk. That job led me to try my hand at driving a cab. Of course, I told the gal "I don't want to work for him again" and she was very nice about it.

But can you believe that the first and only job so far to come my way is working for someone I worked unhappily for more than 25 years ago? I'm telling you - the Universe is run by one funny guy (or gal, as the case may be.) It took me about a half hour to recover from the shock of that one.

Had a financial windfall today! Yippee! So, it all evens out in the end.

Be good you citizens and beware of a prankster running loose in the corporate offices of the Universe!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Goodbye to Henrietta

Well, I've left the Folsom Lake Recreation Area for a slab next to a home. I've given up the outdoors life for the comforts of electricity and running water. Actually, I'm right in the heart of suburbia now, with Starbucks around the corner and all the megastores about 10 blocks away. Not a permanent solution for me, but a cheap, temporary one. In each place I stay, my goal is to appreciate what it has to offer. And this one is safe, "electrified" and near everything I could need.

However, I had to say goodbye to my almost daily visitor, Henrietta. Here she is forging for morsels. I saw her through the trees with a female friend the first day, and then all but one day afterwards by herself. I actually thought she was a Hank, until I looked her up on the internet and found that she didn't have the requisite plummage to be a male, or a certain style of strutting.

So, fair turkey damsel - farewell. Gobble, gobble, to you, too.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Country roads take me home...

I still haven't got any good news to report on the job hunt, but I've been consoling myself nicely. I took a drive around Folsom Lake day before yesterday and look what I found!

This is definitely one of the most beautiful areas I've ever been to. Absolutely deserted on a Wednesday. It was so quiet that is was a bit spooky, especially where the trees grow so close that everything is in shade.

I kept driving around a corner and gasping at the beauty. I hope you all like these photos. Folsom is going to be a my first "and beyond" for the website and I'm working that up now.

Have a FABULOUS weekend all you inhabitants of the Universe!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rousted by the Rangers

Well, I have nothing much to do but post to this blog as I haven't obtained a job yet! Boo Hoo! Well, I can't expect miracles I suppose, although it would be great to have one occur right about...NOW!...Nope nothing! I'll keep you posted on the miracle watch.

But I did have an interesting night! Indeed! The men in uniform, park rangers, knocked on the RV door at 10:30 p.m. - in the dead of the night. Scared the begeezus out of me. I asked who it was and on the third request they finally identified themselves. They didn't have a record of anyone camping in that space. My tag on the window wasn't enough, so I produced a receipt and they apologized and went on their merry way. One guy, the big one, was very much a young Boss Hog, with a wad of tobaccy in his lower lip, and the smaller one was the embarrassed sidekick.

I had been reading, so it wasn't so awful.

Send good thoughts my way.